Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ready, Set, Go!

Tomorrow, our Delegation group will be leaving for Honduras. We have been preparing for several months now and our departure day is finally just about here. The trip is sponsored by Most Holy Trinity's Social Justice Committee. Deacon Jim DeShane is our honored guest, Phil Grisez and Jane Flannigan are leading the group of ten which also includes Kate Dale, Michelle Davis, Kyle Erickson, Tucker Everett, Teresa Garvey, Luanne Kuna and Susan Sundlin. The trip participants are from both Most Holy Trinity and Our Lady of Grace churches.

The purpose of the trip is to celebrate our sister-parish covenant and to deepen our relationship with the San Maximiliano Kolbe community. The majority of the trip will be spent at San Maximiliano Kolbe and will include a visit to the NPH Home for Children and the Velasquez Coffee Farm. The desired outcome of this trip is to help our merged parish grow in solidarity and faith with the people of Honduras. It’s an opportunity to meet our sisters and brothers face-to-face so that we understand them better and how our lives are interconnected.

Sending Forth Masses

We celebrated two sending forth Masses, one at Our Lady of Grace and one at Most Holy Trinity. Both parishes have been very supportive and a big thank you to everyone for your kind thoughts, good wishes as well as the donations of suitcases, soccer equipment, school supplies, shoes, socks & flipflops and more.

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