Monday, July 21, 2008

Greetings from NPH Honduras!

Greetings from Honduras! The chairman position for the blog has yet again been overthrown and is now in control of Leah Flannigan (Jane’s niece). Today started with an early wake-up at 6:30 with the hopeful anticipation of banana bread for breakfast when much to our surprise it ended up being rice and beans. (We were really not surprised at all.) After breakfast everybody left to go to their jobs. Amy and I were lucky enough to be able to work in the tortillarilla for 3 ½ hours. I’m going to guess that we made over 1,000 tortillas, it was some pretty hard work, aye? When the jobs were completed everyone met back at San Cristobol for a casual lunch and a relaxing afternoon. Some choose to go to Casa Suyapa (baby house) to visit with Jenna (former youth minister of M.H.T.) and the kids. Jill, Amy and I went for a long and slow run, which was a breath of fresh air from the tiresome day. At 6:00 or so we headed off to our ogares and had a final dinner and visit with the kids ☹. Overall the time spent at N.P.H was extremely fun and a whole new experience for me. I hope everyone is well and we will see you soon!

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