Saturday, July 19, 2008

NPH Update: A full day

The professional bloggers of today are Amy Bianco and Jill Kraemer

Hola! Today was the first full day in which we were in two groups. The cooler group at NPH woke at 6:30 in the morning to attend breakfast at the Cocina. It was like a banana flavored rice oatmeal. After we finished our scrumptious meal we joined the children and helped them with their chores. As the women did an exceptional job cut the grass with machetes, the boys took to the kitchen where they merrily made us and the entire ranch chicken soup. Be prepared when we get home as the long mower will be gathering dust while we use are machetes to make our lawns presentable. These chores were followed by our chicken soup lunch and some rest time. After we rested the whole group headed to Casa Suyapa which is the baby house with 70 children ranging from age 0 to age 8. The children there were full of energy resulting in parachute disaster. So we put the parachute away and gave piggyback rides. Even though your back was aching and your face sopping with sweat it was hard to say no to those cute little faces. After we got those monkeys of our backs we put on our finery and went to church. It was a wonderful service and our group was acknowledged at the end of mass. We then changed out of our finery and walked to our hogares. Since it was Saturday night the children had a movie so we walked them to the Talleres where the movie was being held. We then socialized with them before saying buenos noches!

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