Friday, July 25, 2008

The Mission Trip Ends

July 25, 2008 — Valle de Angeles

We've been trying to post some photos from the Velasquez farm but having difficulty. We'll keep trying. We have some great photos of the mountain taxi.

Last night we had our farewell dinner with the Friars at the restaurant at Posada del Angel hotel in Valle de Angeles. It was fun to see Friar Juan, Friar Erik and Friar Ramiro again. Friar Delio has already left for Guatemala. We also celebrated Eric Stephan's 28th birthday.

This morning the group met for one last time. We said farewell to Marian and Natalie LeSage, Matt Huppert, Eric Weiman, Leah Flannigan, Joe and Jared Oeth. They are on their way home to Minnesota. The remaining members are going to hike at LaTigre today and will be taking an excursion to Roatan on Saturday. 

We had a nearly perfect trip and everything went as planned and pretty much on schedule. We thank everyone who participated — it was such an honor to be with this fantastic group of people. They really put themselves out there and were open to many people and new experiences.  It was truly awesome. And thank you to all the family members and friends who supported us and prayed for our safe travels!

Jane Flannigan, Ellen Reicho, Phil Grisez and David Erickson
2008 Honduras Mission Trip Leaders

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