Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Campamente, Festival of St Ann's,

Bueno Noches!
I probably said that incorrectly, as I say most things incorrectly all day long! We went to Campamente, a smallish town about 2 hours from Tegucigalpa this morning. They were having a special feast day for St Ann, so it was a big festival in the town. We travelled in style in our new van, courtesy of Luis, our driver. Mucho mas comfortable! Jane and Phil knew Luis from past trips, and he was kind enough to drive us around again on this trip. We were a bit late for mass, which was interesting because Friar Isodoro and Deacon Jim were both participating in mass. We knew several of the Friars, Juan, Fabio and Arturo - they all were involved with the mass, and the church was absolutely gorgeous. Many of us stood outside, because of the large crowds, but it was still a neat experience. We are realizing that most days don't go as planned, and we rarely stay on our "schedule". That is harder for some of us than others to adjust to, but it the end, it all works out!

After Mass, there was a procession through town, carrying the statue of Mary and Ann through the town. The first procession for many of us. Very cool.

We headed out to lunch at a restaurant called Guayapito - fish for everyone, where they had their own tilapia pond. Super peaceful and relaxing.

By the time we made it back to San Max, it was almost 7:00pm. We still had a date with the Friars for dinner, so off we all went to La Gorda, for dinner with Friars Isodorao, Ramiro, and George and Mario (our drivers). Good food - quite a spectacle trying to get food ordered for all of us gringos! But we all laugh, and are usually surprised by what shows up on our plates.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Wow! Looks like you're having a wonderful experience in Honduras. Thanks so much for your pictures and descriptions of daily activities. I miss you all and wish I was with you and the friars and parishioners of San Max, but I am so fortunate I was able to be by my dad's side Thursday night and Friday morning and with my family all these days.

Love from all of us Kraemers,