Saturday, July 23, 2011

Saturday in Comayagüela

After morning prayer with the Friars, we had breakfast. Eggs, cheese, tortillas, fruit were good but the highlight was pancakes with mantiquia and honey. The mantiquia is made from cream but it's more like a light cheese flavor that blends really well with honey. The coffee is great.

We helped distribute "pounds of love" (donated food) to needy families. We received lots of hugs and well wishes. Afterward we toured three nearby churches and met some of the parishioners. After lunch, everybody took a siesta. We attended mass at the Church of Monseigneur Oscar Romaro. Our own Deacon Jim DeShane presided along side Friar Isidoro. He was a slight bit nervous but did a great job.


E. Reicho said...

So good to see you all doing well. Seeing the pictures brings so many wonderful memories back! Enjoy every bumpy, emotional, unpredictable moment!
Vaya con dios!

N. DeShane said...

Jane, thank you so much for sharing these photos and blog. It is wonderful to share in your journey. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. God bless all, Nancy

jogofly said...

OK, Phil, what is the fruit that you are holding in the picture taken on Saturday (I believe)?
Thanks, Joe R