Monday, July 25, 2011

Shopping, El Piccacho and a night of theater!

Wow, it was a busy day today. We started the day with morning prayer at 7am, with Friar Isodora and Friar Fabio. Fabio has the most beautiful singing voice, and also played the guitar. If he was singing to me every morning, it would be much easier to wake up! After breakfast we headed off to Piccacho, a mountain of sorts, outside of Tegucigalpa. It is a large park, with a huge statue of Christ stretching His hands out over the city. It has amazing gardens, trails, rock formations, and of course a beautiful view of the city. We all piled back in the landcruiser, and headed off for Valle de Angelos, for some shopping. We have gotten extremely close with one another, in a very short time. Literally. 9 of us in the back, and 3 up front. Thank goodness it really hasn't been too hot, so with the windows down it's bearable. But still extremely cozy!

Valle de Angelos is about 45 minutes out in the countryside; a beautiful drive through the mountains. Our amigo, Mario, has been gracious enough to drive us all over this region. Valle is a small town, quite charming, and a little more touristy. We all did our best to support the local economy with some shopping and lunch.

This evening, a theater group from San Max treated us to a play. A reenactment of the Story of San Max Kolby - our church's patron saint. It was beautiful - the people were very talented, and took it very seriously. They really put their hearts into it, and as always, were so gracious and happy to have us there. We spent some time afterwards playing a theater game with them. We may put a video up of that event - very silly!

Our group of 10 is such a wonderful, diverse group, and we are all loving being here with the community. The "young'ins" infuse lots of energy and laughter into our days, and have saved our butts many times with their translating skills, and ability to just let loose, in what could feel like an awkward situation.

Off to bed, for an even EARLIER morning tomorrow! LuAnn and I were just wishing for one "late start" day....I think we will have to keep wishing.


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